Tag: ids

  • Master Netflow Lab (27 Jun 2018)

    For the matter of my masters’ thesis I am in need of a well defined lab environment that is capabale of simulating traffic as well as running on test data.
    This is how I built it.

  • Lab Overview (12 Jun 2018)

    As I am building a different approach to IDS from the bottom, I am in need of a proper lab setup.
    This post outlines a high level overview to nuture a basic understanding of future architecture decisions.

  • What are Intrusion Detection Systems? (24 Feb 2018)

    Interconnected computer systems have an ever increasing importance in our modern lives.
    As these networks grow in complexity, human-based monitoring of activities is unlikely to find malicious activity.
    Therefore it can be beneficent to add another layer of defense into the system after authorization and authentication to ensure that possible intrusions are detected and reported.

  • Signature vs anomaly-based detection (20 Feb 2018)

    As [Wang2017] and [Lee1998] state, IDS detection can be classified either as signature-based or anomaly-based detection.
    If you need a little primer on intrusion detection systems, read my post on defining IDS in the wild.